China’s Original Aluminium Productio
Source:    Publish Time: 2016-10-21 10:44   1557 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px

Recently, the IAI announced a statistic in June, showed that the total production of original aluminum was 2.034 million tons. But the calculation excluded the productions of China, Romania, and Iran. As the statistics of the China Nonferrous Metal Association, China produced 1.034 million tons of aluminum in June, and added the unmarked 5 tons per month, the total monthly production is around 3.118 million tons, equivalent to 103.9 thousand tons per day, and 38 million tons per year.
       Therefore, the Chinese production of aluminum is about 1/3 of the globe. That is to say, when every three tons of aluminum were produced, one of them was from China.


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